Transactional Emails

New Feature: Transactional Emails

Transactional Emails

When it comes to email marketing, Liqui-Site knows just how important it is to land in your customer’s inbox. Having an effective email marketing strategy is how your brand can successfully reach your audience and get your message in front of prospects at precisely the right time.

We are excited to announce a new feature to add to our email marketing services: transactional emails. This means that we can now create emails that will be sent out to customers triggered by specific actions that they take. This includes trackable order confirmations, shipping notifications, cart abandonment emails and more.

We’ve told you before how automated emails can take your email marketing strategy to the next level. But did you know that transactional email open rates can be three times higher than broadcast emails? And the average revenue per transactional emails is 2-5 times higher than standard emails!

Why are automated transactional emails so effective? Its simple: because your customers are expecting them; they took a certain action and are ready for the communication that comes with it. Makes sense, right?

Transactional emails are great for your marketing strategy because they are more positively received by consumers – since they know that at least part of the message is going to be valuable to them. They are more likely to click and even open the email multiple times. But the most important reasons for leveraging transactional emails within our email marketing software is that:

  • The emails are branded and deliver a consistent experience; no more plain text!
  • They’re responsive so they appear perfectly on all devices.
  • All data is measurable; find out who opened, who clicked through, and who didn’t.

Here at Liqui-Site we only use the best practices in design, function, spam compliance and distribution to provide our clients with impactful emails to deliver to their audience. We help you stand out in the inbox and reach your business goals.

Along with this great new feature, our email platform provides automation, A/B testing and robust email performance testing. We offer both full-service email marketing, as well as client managed solutions.

Got questions? Learn more about our services and contact us to schedule a consultation.