The Secret to Exceptional Content Marketing

You’ve probably heard of content marketing by now, but if you haven’t, here’s the scoop. Content marketing is marketing copy that isn’t a direct advert for your business (like, say, your web copy is), but which still entices readers to find out more. It does this by offering something of value to them—often something that’s useful even if they haven’t bought your product or service quite yet. But with each piece of content they read, the more interest they have in your company, and the more likely they are to buy.

If you haven’t tried content marketing yet or think your strategy could be better, here are a few ideas to help you out.

Mix and match your content for flavor

There are lots of ways to package your content, from online videos to complimentary ebooks to the trusty blog post. In fact, the blog post you’re reading right now is a piece of content marketing about content marketing! You don’t have to stick to just one form, and you don’t have to post every single day. But the more you put out there, the more likely it is that your brand will get found.

Write content that’s evergreen, not rushed 

Whatever you share, it should have something of value to offer your readers. Ideally, content should be evergreen—interesting and useful at almost any given time. That could be tips, tutorials, a funny story readers will love to share, or just something to think about.

The last thing you want is to put out vapid, keyword-stuffed nonsense that no one in their right mind would want to read. Posting high-quality content is what will get your site noticed, establish your authority in a subject area, and increase your chances of converting a casual reader into a loyal customer.

Reuse content the clever way

You can get a lot of mileage out of one piece of great content. A blog post that you’re especially proud of or that proved really popular among your target audience can often be repackaged into the subject of a video, infographic, podcast, and more. This gives you more content you can release over time, and is a quick and efficient way of getting the message out to even more people.

Consider outsourcing your content marketing

Lots of businesses say the same thing: we don’t have time to worry about our blog. For those who don’t consider themselves writers, the thought of coming up with enticing content every week can be daunting. So why not let us do it for you?

At Liqui-Site, we’ve team up with the content marketing experts at MarketSmiths to deliver high-quality blog posts and more for our clients. We take the time to understand your business’s goals and target audience, and craft content that speaks directly to them. To find out more or to get started, contact us today.