Digital Marketing: What It Is, and Why You Need It
Everyone is talking about digital marketing these days. But what exactly does it consist of, and how can you know whether your business needs it? Question no longer, because we’ve got the answers you’re looking for. The Basics of Digital … Continue reading

Think Like a Giant: Turn Your Business Into a Media Leader
Your company undoubtedly has profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It probably also has a blog and might even produce a podcast or videos for a dedicated YouTube channel. Having your irons in all these fires is meant to help … Continue reading

Why You Should Hire a Digital Marketing Agency: Part 2
6 Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency for High-Quality Work: Part 2 In the first installment of this two-parter, we gave you three reasons why hiring a digital marketing agency can be the most cost-effective and efficient approach for … Continue reading

Why You Should Hire a Digital Marketing Agency: Part I
6 Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency for High-Quality Work: Part 1 A Blue Apron meal kit delivered right to your door. Endless boards of handmade wedding decorations on Pinterest. A winding line of people waiting to build their … Continue reading

Better, Faster, Stronger: How AMPs Impact SEO
CTA. CPC. KPI. Digital marketing strategists are forever inventing acronyms. If you can only learn and remember one, make it AMP. Short for accelerated mobile page, the AMP is built to appeal to today’s on-the-move, smartphone-reliant end user. AMPs streamline … Continue reading

3 Elements of an Eye-Catching eCommerce Site
They say not to judge a book by its cover, but no one said anything about judging a service by its website. That’s right, a website visitor decides whether they are going to make a purchase from your eCommerce site … Continue reading

Choosing the Right Keywords is Key to Your Search Engine Strategy
A good Search Engine Marketing (SEM) strategy starts with selecting the right keywords and creating great content based on those. If a tree fell in the forest, would it matter at all if no one’s around to hear the loud … Continue reading

The Do’s and Don’ts of SEO
Getting your business seen online isn’t easy–but it’s also not impossible. The key to generating traffic on your company page is SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a bag of tricks–some black hat, some white hat–that ranks your website increasingly higher on … Continue reading

Retargeting Your Target Audience as a Nonprofit
Have you ever visited a company website in the morning and started seeing ads for that business on other websites in the afternoon? That’s retargeting. If you run a nonprofit and are looking for new ways to acquire donors, retargeting … Continue reading

When is Magento Enterprise Necessary?
In our first post in this two-part series on Magento, we discussed the platform’s free Community Edition—created for small businesses and developers. The Enterprise Edition, however, may be necessary for fast-growing and large businesses. Customer demands change daily and Magento … Continue reading