Switch to Google Analytics 4 Now to Continue to Collect Website Data
Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the latest version of Google’s web analytics platform, delivers powerful features for tracking and analyzing user behavior on websites and mobile apps. Users of the old version (Universal Analytics) should know that this version will be … Continue reading
LIQUI-SITE Supports Small Businesses in North Jersey and Beyond
Here at LIQUI-SITE, we’re known for our passion for digital marketing. We have successfully helped countless clients over the years utilize each and every cent of their marketing budget effectively, and we know the importance of successful projects for small … Continue reading

The Possibilities and Perks of Facebook Messenger Marketing
As users gravitate more and more toward messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, iMessage, and WhatsApp, it’s no wonder that messenger marketing is on the rise. What better way to reach customers than through the apps they use on a daily … Continue reading

B2B and B2C Marketing: What’s the Difference, Anyway?
Marketing. Handled well, it can turn even the smallest of businesses into a household name. Handled poorly, it can leave your company’s reputation in tatters and your dreams in the dust. With so much at stake, it’s vital you choose … Continue reading

How Google’s New “Mobile Speed Score” Can Boost Your Site’s Responsiveness
You’ve heard it before: a slow loading time can be deadly for your site. In fact, according to Google, conversions are directly correlated to loading times: and those conversions can fall by as much as 20% per second. This is … Continue reading

Should You Use Hidden Menus on Your Website?
Starbucks, In-N-Out Burger, McDonalds—each of these fast food restaurants has a hidden menu that isn’t exactly top-secret, but certainly isn’t on public display. Ask an employee if there are any options beyond the traditional menu, and they’ll happily tell you. … Continue reading

Show Your Site Some Love This Summer—And Attract More Visitors
Ah, summer love. From Justin Timberlake to the cast of Grease, everyone sings its praises. Summer love has the power to uplift, revive, and lay the foundation for even better things to come. And if your company’s website is attracting … Continue reading

Boost Referral Traffic with These 4 Simple Strategies
You’ve built a website with great graphics and killer content. Now it’s time to put it in front of the right people. And one of the best places to find visitors for your site? Other websites. If you’re looking to … Continue reading

Social Media Marketing Done Right: the Do’s and Don’ts of Increasing Your Exposure
Checking your phone when someone is talking to you. Calling your date by your ex’s name. Try as we might, we all commit the occasional social faux pas. But on social media, they can seriously impact your business—increasing your exposure … Continue reading

Rethinking Your Approach to SEO in 4 Strategic Steps
You’ve considered keywords, cranked up content production, and pursued pay-per-click. When it comes to SEO (search engine optimization), it’s easy to just throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks. But the only thing that really works is a … Continue reading