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Show Your Site Some Love This Summer—And Attract More Visitors

Ah, summer love. From Justin Timberlake to the cast of Grease, everyone sings its praises. Summer love has the power to uplift, revive, and lay the foundation for even better things to come. And if your company’s website is attracting less traffic than you’d like, you may want to show it some extra love this summer.

If you’re saying “tell me more, tell me more,” you’re in luck. Here are a few practical pieces of summer love advice for your website strategy.

Give your website a makeover to increase your organic traffic

Blonde highlights. A toned beach body, ready for that new bathing suit. We all want to look our best for the summer—and your website deserves the same makeover treatment.

They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. But let’s face it: when it comes to your website, everybody will. A site full of links that lead to error messages and copy riddled with spelling mistakes is hard to find on search engine results pages (SERPs) and, once located, hard to take seriously. That hurts your organic traffic big time, pushing you further down the SERPs.

A whopping 38% of people will leave a website if its content or layout is unattractive. Even if your site looks great on a desktop, it’s 2018, and 85% of people believe it should look just as great (if not better) when viewed on their mobile device.

Whether it’s improving your user interface, crafting compelling copy, boosting mobile compatibility, or all of the above, there are lots of little things you can do to polish up your site this summer. Think of it like the makeover montage in every great romantic comedy—and the increase in organic traffic is your prince charming.

Show it off on social media to boost referral traffic and shares

Everyone knows that the best way to proclaim your love is to broadcast it on social media. Show your shiny new website to the world through a strategic status.

Social media can be a great source of referral traffic—and you don’t have to spend a dime to use it. Let your followers know your site has had a makeover, share your latest blog post, or share a teasing glimpse of an upcoming product, then sit back and watch your visitor numbers tick up.

Engaging with your target demographic via social media helps to establish your business as an authority in your field and fosters a sense of community with your customers. The statistics say it all—31% of all referral traffic is generated through social media. So open your laptop and make it Facebook official!

What art thou waiting for, Romeo? It’s time to make a move and show your site some summer love.

Nervous? Don’t worry, Liqui-Site will be your wingman. For digital marketing advice you can rely on, contact us today.